Why start early?
For best outcomes, college-bound students are encouraged to begin the admissions process as early as the ninth grade. For international students the ideal and the best way to reach their “dream” college is, to make a start even in eighth grade, it is crucial! Since the US education culture and high school curriculum are completely different than Turkish curriculum, students need more time to focus on the US college admission requirements. Our target is to maximize the students’ test scores and academic success, extracurricular experience during his/her application process to be a competitive candidate to college admissions. Not to fall behind the schedule we encourage you start early and get in contact with Itir Aydin Overseas Educational Consultancy.
How do we do it?
Admission offers to the most selective schools are sometimes difficult to predict, even for the most competitive students. The good news is that there is a college for everyone and most colleges and universities maintain a very high acceptance rate among applicants. A student should almost always be accepted at several of his/her choices. The key factor is to target the list so that it includes some reaches, some competitive, and some likely schools. And of course, the student should be excited about the schools that go on the list.
An internet search for colleges always turns up interesting results. Some of the schools are possible matches, but a computer search cannot see, feel, or empathize with a student. It does not understand a fit between personalities and student values. It cannot be subjective.
• Students are guided, on a one-on-one basis:
• We try to get to know as much as possible about the students — their background, interests, and ambitions.
• We provide comprehensive assessment of personality tests and learning style surveys.
• Study Skills, Organizational Skills Supports
• Develop a test schedule/calendar. Organize a long-range testing calendar and tutoring plan and preparation for the PSAT, SAT, Subject Tests, TOEFL,IELTS,IB and AP exams
• Understand test scores and score reporting.
• Create tools for helping students and parents to effectively manage each college’s requirements and deadlines.
• Discuss the benefits of early decision, early action, and rolling admissions.
• Provide a balanced list of colleges (Max. 20) that meet the student’s unique desires, abilities, special talents and strengths, taking aptitude, transcript and test scores into account.
• Create an activity résumé with a student to showcase leadership, initiative, creativity, outreach, and impact
• Identify the junior-year teachers that the student will ask for college recommendations
• Create a college-visit plan
• Practice campus visit and interview skills
• Prepare the student and family to make the most of college interviews and visits
• Debrief after college visits to further refine the college list
• Communicate with college admissions counselors, as required
• Refine the list of colleges (Max.12) the student could apply to.
• Brainstorm ideas for and work on essays
• Ensure thematic consistency between application, essays, and résumé
• Establish college planning timelines and keep the process moving forward.
• Help with the final selection.
• Answer all the questions that come up along the way.
• Tips for Transitioning to College
• Living Situations, Roommate
• Financial considerations
• Travel concerns
• Time Management
• Making New Friends, Getting Involved
• How to Be Your Own Best Friend
• Health, wellness, self-advocacy, finding resources to help you
• Managing Expectations
• Adjusting to College and Different Culture IssuesTo have a comprehensible and trustworthy application process get in contact with Itir Aydin Higher Education Consultancy.
PLEASE NOTE:  Itir Aydin Overseas Education Consultancy is NOT a paid agent of any college or university. We adhere to a strict code of ethics and only accept payment from our clients — students and their families seeking recommendations based on identified educational needs.

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